October Breast Cancer Awareness Project


[dropcap]F[/dropcap]aces of Cancer St. Lucia is pleased to announce our 2018, October Workplace Breast Cancer Campaign which is a competition open to all business houses in St. Lucia. The length of Project is October 1st to October 30, 2018. We continue to make small strides in cancer awareness around St. Lucia with some in the amount of young people being diagnosed with cancer at a late stage. Our aim for this campaign is to continue to increase cancer awareness and encourage breast screening so that surviving cancer can have better outcomes. It is our hope that your company will play a part in helping us with this difficult challenge.

Think Pink Friday

On October 5th, 12th, 19th and November 02nd we ask that employees be allowed to dress or incorporate the cancer colors (pink for ladies and pink and baby blue for men) in their dress code in order to raise breast cancer awareness for a donation towards Faces of Cancer St. Lucia, which will go towards assisting lower income St. Lucian affected by cancer. On October 27th, there will be no Pink Friday in observance of Journen Kweyol, however breast cancer symbols can be incorporated into your Journen Kweyol decorations to keep the awareness going. In addition Employers are encouraged to decorate their workplaces in the official breast cancer colors.

Each workplace should have an employee responsible for the project and collection of monies. At the end of the Project all donations must be sent to the Faces of Cancer St. Lucia office. A Trophy will be awarded to the Company which donated the most. The Company will be selected by using the ratio of the number of employees to donated funds.


Small Change can make a Big Impact

Place a nicely decorated box or decorated water container in the reception area of your office and encourage employees and visitors to empty out their small change into the container towards the work of Faces of Cancer St. Lucia in support of Cancer awareness.

Each workplace should have an employee responsible for the project and collection of monies At the end of the Project all donations must be sent to the Faces of Cancer St. Lucia office. A Trophy will be awarded to the Company which donated the most. The Company will be selected using the ratio of the number of employees to donated funds.

Companies are encouraged to take part in both Projects.

Interested persons are encouraged to contact Faces of Cancer St. Lucia for more information and access to form for filling out.
Contact #:

758) 726-1859
(758) 384-2637
(758) 456-5100

Email: facesofcancerstlucia@gmail.com



— Source: Faces of Cancer