[dropcap]M[/dropcap]ajor commercial brands such as Always, Carefree and Kotex do not display the ingredients of their products on their packaging. This sparked my research into the composition of these products, which I summarized in one
of my videos found on my YouTube channel Vee’s Views. These products’ companies are not required to list the contents of their products because the Food and Drug Association of the United States considers them “medical devices”.
An independent test conducted by Women’s Voices For The Earth concluded that there is a presence of toxic chemicals in these popular feminine product brands; chemicals which are considered carcinogenic by three major US health agencies, and have been linked to various cancers and may be linked to polycystic ovary syndrome and issues with heavy bleeding.
I am not implying that these products are solely responsible for these issues, but I do believe that the rise in these “convenient” feminine products is related to the rise in the various reproductive system-linked issues experienced by women everyday, all over the world.
Sadly, because of our limited medical resources as small island nations, it is a plight most of our women have to endure, or worse, succumb to, because the financial demand of recovery is too much to bear. I believe preventative measures can be taken to alleviate these burdens. Besides lifestyle choices, the use of specific feminine products can be one way in which women can protect themselves. But these healthier alternatives are not readily available to us in the Caribbean.
To this end, I am requesting that the companies that purchase feminine products for distribution in our small island nations consider healthier alternatives so that we women can make our own choices and not be limited to potential cancer-causing products.
I am also soliciting the signatures of the public on www.change.org, in a petition entitled ‘Increase the Availability of Organic Feminine Products in the Caribbean’ to raise awareness and fight for our health.
Some options are the menstrual cup, cloth pads and 100 percent organic tampons, pads and liners. I do hope this petition sparks this necessary change and gives women the power to control what goes on and in our bodies.
Visit Veronique’s youtube channel ‘Vee’s’ Views to find out more about alternative feminine hygiene products, where to find them, and to support the cause.
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