Opposition leader Philip J. Pierre is encouraging Saint Lucians to spend their time wisely during this period of partial shutdown — where physical distancing and staying indoors is encouraged. The Castries East MP said that he was using this time to stay in touch with his constituents virtually, assist persons when possible, attend Skype and Zoom meetings and read. “Guess what I have been reading?” the Opposition leader wrote on his Facebook page.

“The Constitution of Saint Lucia and interestingly, The Review of Financial Operations of Town, Village and Rural Council. Trust me, it is worth the time. I am also enjoying the Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew, the Singapore Story: 1965-2000 and Calixte George’s St Mary’s College.”
He offered this advice to citizens: “By the way, I know that being confined to your home can become frustrating. If it does, please find meaningful ways to occupy your time. Try to avoid temper tantrums that may lead to physical and verbal abuse of each other. We are all in this together. Let’s look at the bright side, if we follow the health protocols, this should end sooner than later.”