Following the approval by the Ministry of Health, the Saint Lucia National Trust is pleased to announce the long-awaited reopening of the Pigeon Island National Landmark to the general public from Saturday, July 4, 2020, from 9am to 5pm daily.

In addition to the national protocols to prevent the spread of Covid-19, such as social distancing, wearing of face masks and hand sanitizing, the Ministry of Health has approved guidelines specific to the Landmark to keep both visitors and staff safe. These include limits to the number of persons to be allowed into the Landmark as well as limits to numbers enjoying specific areas at any one time. Staff will be on hand to provide further details and guidance to ensure your safety. We are pleased that we can once again provide you with a peaceful and relaxing get away from today’s stresses.
Visit us at , on Social Media or call our office at 452 5005 to enquire about our packages and come and relax in a safe, fun and tranquil atmosphere.