[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n the new “rights” militancy that seems to infest the world, it is interesting to observe that local police have closed ranks. They are not yet into a “Me Too” state of mind but it was a breath of fresh air to hear that local police were quite strident in support of one of their own who appeared drawn into some contretemps with the minister responsible for national security. It was a strong push back from the minister’s call to the female officer, as if intending to issue her an order. The police association was quick to point out that only the Commissioner is empowered to issue directives to members of the force. How enlightening!
But reader, the question which came to mind was, who directed the local police to protest against the British policemen thirteen years ago, when they were doing such a good job? Question number two: Who, if anyone, directed the police back in 2010 to get rid of the troublemakers and so-called criminals, an initiative that led to the IMPACS debacle? Why was the association so quick to demand that the Commissioner of Police stop all investigations into the most recent incident involving the minister, a former high ranking member of the police force? I repeat a question that I posed in an earlier article: Why are Saint Lucians so quick to sweep things under the carpet? Why do they demonstrate such reluctance to get to the bottom of important issues, per chance to discover permanent solutions?
Why can’t the Commissioner be allowed to do his own investigation and decide for himself how to act on the information? Why the secrecy? We need to keep in mind that rights demand equal or greater responsibilities. I say no more.