Public Outcry Over Bail For Attempted Murder


Saint Lucians both here and overseas have taken to social media, expressing disappointment at the justice system, after bail was granted to a man who has been charged for attempted murder.

On Friday, October 16, 2015 police responded to a report of a stabbing near the cemetery in Vigie, Castries. According to the police press relations department, upon arrival, the officers discovered a female being attended to by the Emergency Medical Technology (EMT) unit of the Saint Lucia Fire Service. The female, later identified as 24 year old Mc Lana Bernard of Agard, Morn Du Don, Castries, sustained what appeared to be multiple stab wounds to the body.

She was transported to the Victoria Hospital where she has since been listed as being in critical but stable condition.

On Tuesday, October 20, 2015 police formally arrested and charged 30-year-old Dane Bissette of Forgotten Boundaries, Morne Du Don, Castries for the offence of attempted murder, in connection with the attempted murder of Mc Lana Bernard.

He made a court appearance before the first district court on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 where he was granted bail in the sum of EC$5,000.00 or suitable surety.

Most persons commenting on the bail issue, feel that the sum is not justified while others believe that the alleged perpetrator should not have been granted bail while the victim is still at the hospital fighting for her life.

It has been reported that Mc Lana Bernard sustained at least twenty stab wounds.



  1. Wow its looks like our young women life in St.Lucia is not worth nothing. $5,000.00 bail what a joke in Sweet Helen.


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