The Police Welfare Association has made its position clear: Salary cuts or deferments to salaries will not be accepted at this point in time. In a notice yesterday, PWA President Travis Chicot informed members that this position was made known to the government of Saint Lucia, including Honourable Stephenson King, Minister for Infrastructure, Ports Energy and Labour and Chairman of Cabinet Sub-Committee on Labour. The government, Chicot said, has not presented the association with pertinent facts relating to the inability to meet salary commitments. He said that association’s requests for the current financial standing and government expenditure has not been presented to the association to date. This, he says, leaves the PWA no choice but to remain steadfast in its position.

Said Chicot: “The PWA is now in receipt of a letter, signed by Honourable Stephenson King, indicating that “…as we are about to exhaust the mandate for which we were first convened…” which is in no way a shared sentiment. The letter goes on to state that he has forwarded the outcomes of our meetings to Cabinet… “to allow the Minister for Finance to formulate and present a plan of action to all stakeholders concerned…”
He continued: “The Minister, in his letter recognized and commended the efforts of officer during this pandemic, but as the old saying goes, “actions speak louder than words!” In a period where police officers are asked to give more of themselves, sacrifice even quality of life, the PWA believes this is not the time to impose severe financial constraints on its members.”
The president noted that during the current state of emergency, Prime Minister Allen Chastanet “has the authority to legislate salaries.” With a sitting of the House of Assembly scheduled for today, Chicot fears this may become the sad reality. “We remain resolute in the fight to maintain financial security of our members; we have not remained home and continue to work tirelessly to create a safer environment for all people in Saint Lucia,” Chicot said.
Labour Minister Stephenson King is scheduled to address the nation at 8:00 pm today, April 21. He is expected to speak on the impact of COVID-19 on the country’s labour market and what government is doing to “support those affected, whilst we prepare to jump-start the economy post this pandemic.”
The broadcast will be streamed via the National Television Network NTN/GIS and other local radio and television stations.