Regional Johnnie Cochrans Promise Suspended Reporter Free Services!



[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t seemed more than a little odd, not to say alarming, that a recent state visit by Indian muckamucks drew no media coverage whatsoever. And before you jump on your high ass horse and start calling me a liar, let me tell you I did my research. I mean, was there some kind of official conspiracy to keep the visit under wraps? Didn’t the media even want to take some unusual pictures? For posterity and all that? Or was the plan to avoid kicking up any uncomfortable dust about the troublesome Lambirds matter, finally before the courts? To think the visit was the first by high-ranking Indian officials. What the hell happened to our sense of history? Are the local gentlemen and ladies of our media curry-allergic or what?

Could he be related to any member of the local media?

Then again, it’s hardly been easy sailing for the media. Consider the case of one of colleagues who, by the way, has an Indian sounding name, even though nothing about him suggests Indian roots. Everyone and his cousin’s cousin want to know why his press brethren have deserted the young fellow. Of course none of the questioners is a member of the local media fraternity. (And don’t talk to me about social media, puleeze. Most of those people should be called what they are: wannabes with nothing going for them except an insatiable appetite for roro behind a computer screen. Then again, as my publisher—and everyone else, it seems—likes to say, that’s for another show.)

Well, it seems not everyone has deserted the reporter with the Indian-sounding name. The word is that his employers have sent him to—as they say in English circles— Coventry. Over here in oh-so-Christian Saint Lucia we would say the boy has been sent to Purgatory. Suspended, you understand. Which is to say, he’ll be back at his job sometime in the future. No one knows for sure exactly when.

The matter becomes even more intriguing when you consider the unconfirmed word that the leading legal eagles from around the region have promised to sue the reporter’s employers for unlawful suspension. So, ain’t life a bitch? What started out as an issue with the Looshan PM as its central figure has turned into a potboiler, with employee suing employer. I’m willing to bet the whole media will come out for this precedent-setting case. I, for one, can promise right now that I eh missin’ dat. Meanwhile, I’m wondering if the suspended reporter remains free to write about his suspended employers . . . Anyways, adios until next time!




  1. Oh Please !!!! What a preckay . Be still my heart….. Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. You “Coolies” think that yu’ll are of a special breed. Put a sock in and get over it . This is the part that have me ” Then again it’s hardly been easy sailing for the media. Consider the case of one of colleagues who by the way has “Indian” sounding name, even though nothing about him suggest “Indian Roots”. I mean like really ?? Haa ha ha ha ha ha awww boy, the hair on their heads always fooling Dem ; dysfunctional contributors get over it. Ha ha ha this is better than reading the comics.


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