With the exception of single household gatherings, the hosting of activities for Jounen Kwéyòl is not permitted. The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) says that this decision is in keeping with COVID-19 protocols. The organization issued the following statement on Thursday afternoon:

The Public is hereby advised that the hosting of Jounen Kwéyòl Activities is not permitted. The office of the Commissioner of Police wishes to inform the public that following consultation with the office of the Chief Medical Officer, other public health officials and stakeholders, the hosting of all activities, with the exception of single household gatherings, is not allowed. This decision is in keeping with the guidelines and protocols relating to the COVID-19 management efforts.
Any person wishing to host activities in the future, must seek and receive approval from the office of the Chief Medical Officer and the Commissioner of Police. Failure to adhere to this will result in the event being shut down by the police.
The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force continues to encourage all to adhere to the protocols, particularly adherence to the wearing of masks and social distancing, as we continue the fight against COVID-19.