[dropcap]F[/dropcap]rom site restoration and management to the conservation of our fauna and flora, from engaging the youth to advocating for policies to ensure the sustainable use and management of Saint Lucia’s natural resources—these and more form the core mandate of the Saint Lucia National Trust (SLNT), all in an effort to safeguard the island’s rich heritage.

Considering that April is a hectic month, the SLNT calls on its members and non-members who are passionate about heritage conservation to participate in numerous activities being organised this month. The Trust will stage its Quarterly Membership Meeting today, Saturday, April 14 from 4 p.m. at the Pigeon Island National Landmark. Items on the agenda include updates on the Walcott Brothers’ House; financing the upgrading of Pigeon Island National Landmark and the development of other sites; the Escazú Convention on Principle 10 which seeks to enhance environmental democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean, and a presentation entitled “Dolphin Park: Multi-lateral Environmental Conventions, National Legislation and Regulations. Where do we stand?”
Transportation will be provided from Vieux Fort, Soufriere and the Gros Islet gap. However, persons interested in attending should call 452-5005 or email membership@slunatrust.org for more details.
Meanwhile, on Sunday, April 22 the Trust calls on those who wish to see an end to the indiscriminate disposal of plastic waste to attend Sòlèy Kouché at the Soufriere Waterfront from 5 p.m. and at the Pigeon Island National Landmark from 4:30 p.m. Both locations will have lively performances and speeches surrounding the theme for Earth Day 2018: End Plastic Pollution.
Additionally, the SLNT is gearing up to stage its 5th annual Trust Pioneers Lecture on Thursday, April 26 at the Finance Administrative Centre, Pointe Seraphine from 6 p.m. The event will be held under the World Heritage Day theme: Heritage for Generations. World Heritage Day is celebrated annually on April 18th.
SLNT’s Director, Mr. Bishnu Tulsie, said, “We are changing the format of the Lecture. This year there will be three panelists who will address various aspects of the importance of heritage conservation in light of their vulnerabilities. The panelists are June Frederick—Cultural Activist and Producer of Children’s Programmes in the Arts; Winston Phulgence—Lecturer/Historian, and Hilary La Force—Executive Director of the Folk Research Centre. As is customary there will be a question and answer segment following the presentations.”
These upcoming activities are scheduled just after a major clean-up activity of the Married Women’s Quarters (MWQ) located at Vigie on April 7. MWQ is an important military site that was completed in 1900 and abandoned in 1905. The property, which includes Meadows Battery, was vested in the Trust in 2015 with the intention of transforming it into the island’s first national museum. Before the clean-up commenced, SLNT member and Historian, Dr. Gregor Williams gave volunteers a historical tour of the property. Special thanks to the management of the Saint Lucia Electricity Services Limited for providing the staff and equipment needed to facilitate the works. Thanks also to Trust members and staff who participated in the rehabilitation exercise which took the format of a Koudmain.
SLNT members and the general public are encouraged to participate in the upcoming activities geared at safeguarding Saint Lucia’s rich traditions and values for the enjoyment and benefit of present and future generations.