Saint Lucia National Youth Council calls for submissions for 758 Global Goals Challenge


[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s part of efforts to encourage young people to become more involved and create impact within their communities, the Saint Lucia National Youth Council has partnered with the Department of Sustainable Development for the ‘758 Global Goals Challenge. Initially set for youth month, they Challenge deadline was extended to allow more young persons the opportunity to participate.

Young people between the ages of 13 and 29 are invited to submit proposals on community based initiatives that surround any one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Projects must be based in the community of the applicant, and must be practical. Projects may be action based, advocacy based or both. Group submissions are allowed. Proposals must include a written and video component.

Guidelines for Video Submissions:
• Length: 2 minutes
• Content:
– Project title
– SDG(s) targeted
– Objectives
– Expected outcomes
– Target group(s)
• Use of Standard English
• Appropriate attire based on nature of project

Format for Written Project Submissions:
• Title
• Background and Justification
• Brief Description of Project
• Purpose, Objectives and Expected Outputs/Results
• Programme Duration
• Programme of Activities
• Description of Estimated Budget

Up to $1500 in cash, PLUS Technical Assistance to execute project to be won.



Submissions should be emailed to on or before the deadline date.