Sale of Intoxicating Liquor

Pursuant to the Liquor License Act Cap. 13.17 of the laws of Saint Lucia, persons who offer intoxicating liquor for sale must have the relevant liquor license. Current holders of expired licenses must renew such licenses immediately.
The Saint Lucia Customs and Excise Department is in the process of embarking on a compliance drive to enforce the provisions of this Act. Persons discovered selling intoxicating liquor without the relevant license are liable to prosecution and any liquor found on the premises will be liable to seizure.
For further information, please contact the Export Verification Unit/Liquor License Unit in Castries at telephone No. 468-4800/71 or Customs Department in Vieux Fort at telephone No. 468-4900/10 or the First or Second District Court.
Please be guided accordingly.
Sherman T. G. Emmanuel (Mr.)
Comptroller of Customs