[dropcap]F[/dropcap]und-raising for one of the region’s largest cancer care and awareness events has kicked off across the Dutch and English-speaking Caribbean with over US$267,119 being raised so far from over 160 corporate supporters.
The sixth edition of CIBC FirstCaribbean’s Walk for the Cure is expected to again attract over 20,000 walkers and runners across the 17 territories where the bank operates. The walks this year will take place on the last weekend of September.
“We are really excited about this year’s walk,” said Trevor Torzsas, Executive Co-Chair of the walk and Managing Director, Customer Relationship and Management. “There is a surge of energy throughout our organisation as hundreds of our staff are already busy with a number of fund-raising events as well as planning for the various walks.”
“Last year we raised US$500,000, all of which we donated to support the life-changing work of our partner cancer care organisations in each of the countries where we operate. This year we are going to do all that we can to ensure that we surpass last year’s figures,” said Mark St. Hill, the other
Executive Co-Chair and Managing Director, Retail and Business Banking.
“As a corporate family we know the pain and loss that cancer inflicts. Raising awareness, championing early detection and making life just a little more comfortable for those with cancer, their families and caregivers is what our walk is about,” St. Hill added.
The funds raised are used to provide assistance, care and counselling to patients and their families as well as to raise awareness through education campaigns across the region. They also help the various organisations to assist with the purchase and maintenance of equipment used in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
Over the past five years the bank has raised over US$1.3 million from the event, primarily supported by generous corporate donors and diverse fund-raising activities and events hosted by staff members.
The co-chairs said the bank will be launching its revamped walk registration and donation website very shortly which is expected to offer increased opportunities for further fund-raising.
They praised the fund-raising efforts of the bank’s staff and the enthusiastic support of the business community who have been coming on board as platinum, gold, silver and bronze sponsors.
The bank’s Saint Lucia branches are gearing up plans and partners to stage another successful Walk for the Cure.
The walk is also held to coincide with the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s CIBC Run for the Cure, sponsored by the bank’s parent company, CIBC. CIBC has been supporting this event for 21 years, donating millions of dollars to breast cancer research in Canada.