The St. Lucia Animal Protection Society (SLAPS) lost a dedicated volunteer and dear friend when Robert Hastilow passed away on 11 July, 2020 at the age of 79 years. Bob was tireless in his work to help us improve the lives of animals in St. Lucia. For many years he cared for and fed a number of abandoned and stray dogs. The majority of these dogs have been spayed or neutered, and live reasonably safe and good lives. Bob always looked out for their welfare.

Bob Hastilow, a stalwart supporter of SLAPS (Photo by Anti Gustave)

Bob never missed a SLAPS fund-raising market, selling books to eager readers in a land without a bookstore! Bob and his wife, Linda, always volunteered at our monthly fund-raising quiz night at Cafe Ole.

Bob and Linda have both volunteered countless hours to SLAPS over the years due to their genuine love for animals. Bob also served on SLAPS’ Board for several years.

We shall miss Bob so much and send our deepest sympathy to Linda; their son, David; daughter-in-law, Rachel; and grandson, Kioni.

Rest in Peace Bob.