So Nice To Have Known You Lou!


I remember well that May morning when a receptionist at Weider buzzed my office to let me know someone downstairs wanted a word with me. I told her I’d be down in a minute. It happened often. Bodybuilding fans from all over the world were always dropping by the Weider Building on Erwin Street, Woodland Hills, to say hello or to have a favorite picture autographed. Not this time. My visitor was none other than Lou Gossett Jr—who needed no introduction. We shook hands, laughed a bit, and then he followed me to my office to talk some serious bodybuilding. He had a big movie coming up and needed to shape up in a hurry. I was more than happy to oblige. And now, even as I easily recall the occasion and how unlike other stars he was. (Self-important Bobby Blake comes to mind.) I can hardly believe the crushing news that Lou Gossett passed away this morning. My condolences to his family. He was in real life a true gentleman, if only a Hollywood officer. The story of his rise to movie and stage stardom will continue to inspire readers world-wide, young black men in particular! 


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