Local manufacturer St Lucia Distillers, which is currently supplying ALCOSAN Rubbing Alcohol as a low-cost sanitizer, has been assisted by its parent company, GBH in providing additional support in the fight against COVID-19, through the donation of 100,000 medical face masks to St Lucia’s front line workers.

Having been made aware of the need for personal protective equipment and the challenge of obtaining an adequate supply due to scarcity worldwide, the decision was taken to source and supply 30,000 N95 masks and 70,000 surgical masks.
“As a corporate citizen, we have to do our part during the COVID-19 pandemic to help our nation. Being aware of the particularly high risk of infection faced by our courageous front line workers, we saw sourcing and providing this protective gear for their safety, as nothing short of our national duty,” said Margaret Monplaisir, Chief Executive Officer of St. Lucia Distillers. The 30,000 N95 masks were delivered and presented to Saint Lucia’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Sharon Belmar-George on April 23rd 2020.
The remaining 70,000 surgical masks are scheduled to arrive on May 21st 2020, to be delivered to the Saint Lucian authorities for distribution to the frontline workers. St. Lucia Distillers and parent company GBH, would like to thank all the teams (purchasing, logistics, etc.) who helped to organize this operation in the spirit of solidarity and collective effort, in order to support the tremendous commitment of Saint Lucia’s frontline workers against the virus and its spread.