St Lucia release for ‘Walking with Giants’ . . .


Former Independent Candidate for Soufriere, Harvey Cenac is in the process of launching his book entitled, “Walking with Giants, The Role of Confidence, Ingenuity, and Ordinary People in the Making of Development.”
Cenac and Co-author Dr Bramwell Osula deliver to readers a book that will change the way we think about even the minuscule things in life—a book that will empower the minds of the not only the leaders of today but even the potential prime ministers of tomorrow.
According to the authors, “Walking with Giants” speaks to the explorer residing deep within our souls. While a few individuals are content to stare at the heavens and wonder, another group restless with discontent at the status quo, not accepting a bleak fate; but rather pressing forward with audacity to make reality what was previously conceived as impossible.
Cenac, who has been gearing up to launch self-empowerment programs in Soufriere believes this book will be the first step for young people seek the change that they most desperately need; to empower leaders in government as well as the private sector to render the meaningful change that will positively impact the lives of every St Lucian in ordinary ways and rival giants throughout history in every facet of society.
Speaking briefly with the STAR, Cenac says the time has come for St Lucians to revolutionize their thinking. He says no longer can St Lucians depend on the politicians to think for them or to make plans for them but rather, with the increasing technology and the readily available material for self-development; St Lucians can now take control of their own lives.
“At its core the message of hope is a message of transformation. Although the focus is on ordinary people in developing societies, Walking with Giants reflects on issues confronting people in every society. Given the opportunity, individuals whether they live in China, South Africa, or the United States are inspired by the belief that they hold the keys to unlocking their development destinies and that the future is what they make it.
“A belief in the possibility of shaping the future persuaded others to settle in small communities, observe the changing seasons, and tame the earth. The real prize of transformation was the beginning of the process we today refer to as civilization,” said Cenac while adding, “Nations must ensure that their democratic systems are built around ethical frameworks where the words ‘integrity’ and ‘accountability’ mean something.”
The STAR had a few probing questions for this new writer/politician:
Q: What motivated you to write that book?
A:  The urgent state of leadership and development in many countries and the absence of a ‘commonsense’ analysis.  I was also motivated by the need to develop a critical awareness among ‘ordinary’ people who, ultimately, are the leaders we need.
Q: How long it take to write the book?
A: Nine months. However, many of the ideas have been gestating for years.
Q: What impact do you anticipate the book may have on the reader?
A: I expect the book to develop awareness of the key issues of leadership and development and encourage individuals to take a more active interest in national and global development. As people read the book, the hope is they will be personally transformed and become the change in their individual communities.
Q: Will you write any other books?
A: Of course yes. Hopefully, a good follow up to “Walking with Giants” would be “Living with Giants: The Landscape of Development.”
The book, “Walking with Giants” is now available in St Lucia at Nato’s, Sunshine, Book Nook, Book Smart, La Marie Rental, Book Salon Valmont, and other fine bookstores.