Twenty-seven Special Olympians were celebrated by Digicel after returning home to Saint Lucia from the games in Abu Dhabi. The meet and greet event, held at the corporate office in Rodney Bay gave the athletes a chance to relax and relive their glory among Digicel staff members, friends, family and well-wishers.

Winning 13 gold medals in football and track & field along with silver and bronze in bocce, the athletes truly represented Saint Lucia well. “It is always a pleasure to work with the Special Olympics team here in St. Lucia. Those with special needs are very dear to us and it makes us proud to see our athletes return home after representing their country well,” said CEO of Digicel St. Lucia Siobhan James- Alexander.
The event saw the athletes being presented with thank you gifts from Digicel as a show of appreciation for their performance at the games. Addressing the gathering was Digicel’s Regional CEO Jack Bourke who stated, “We are extremely proud to host the Special Olympics team today and we are happy to have made their dreams to attend the World Games a reality.” In the lead up to the games, Digicel supported the Special Olympics Committee with a donation to assist in preparing for the games in Abu Dhabi. Three hundred and eighty athletes represented 23 Digicel countries at the games, including Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, Bermuda, Bonaire, Cayman, Dominica, El Salvador, Fiji, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Nauru, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago and Vanuatu.