St. Lucy’s Home benefits from Family Foundation


In keeping with the mandate of the organization to help the less fortunate, members of the Hyacinth Family Foundation assembled at the St. Lucy’s Home, Bishop’s Gap, Castries, on Saturday February 21st to help alleviate the plight of the residents.

Family member, Mrs. Jane Augustin, on behalf of the Foundation, presented the Home with much needed food and supplies which included condiments, vegetables, rice, toilet paper and bath soap. In handing over the items she indicated that the Home had been on the Foundation’s list of places to visit and that the family members wanted to help in any way possible.

Receiving the items was a very appreciative Administrator, Sister Thereseta. “This donation comes at the most opportune time,” said Sister,
“as the Home is always struggling to meet its needs. God always sends a hand just when we need it most.” She thanked the members of the Foundation for the gesture, noting that the items will go a long way in serving the residents of the Home, and encouraged the Foundation to keep them on their list of charities.

In February, the Foundation also hosted a fund-raising Valentine’s Day cake sale. Other activities planned for the coming months include serving breakfast every third Saturday outside the Bideau-Bolivar Park and the distribution of clothes and hampers, as well as an organized lunch for residents of Coolie Town.
