Earlier this year, Dr. Gilbertha St. Rose, a registered herbalist and medical practioner was taken to task by the St. Lucia Medical and Dental Council (SLMDC) for her prescribed use of Ivermectin to treat persons suspected and/or confirmed to have had COVID-19. The doctor, in her defense, indicated she performed clinical trials as the drug is approved for such use and has done nothing wrong. According to the SLMDC her actions were taken without the approval of Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr. Sharon Belmar-George and other health authorities St. Lucia is part of including the World Health Organistion (WHO). Health authorities the world over, and the manufacturer of the drug itself, have repeatedly advised against the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

In the last few days, St. Rose has seen her License to practise medicine suspended for a period of at least 6 months by the SLMDC and a fine of $10,000 levied against her to be paid within 30 days. St. Rose was informed by the Council she could seek redress by way of appeal and that after the prescribed ban she may seek renewal of her license through written application. This, however, did little to sway the doctor as she remained steadfast in her belief that she did nothing wrong. She took to the media on Thursday to say she would continue to advocate the use of the drug to treat COVID-19 and she would take her case to the Courts. She further went on to implore the public to continue seeing her in her capacity as a herbalist but advised any prescriptions would be issued by a medical practitioner who was licensed to do so.
The SLMDC, for it’s part, also issued a statement to inform of its role in such matters. The council indicated that by Authority of the Health Practitioners Act only the CMO had been ascribed the authority as the lead medical officer to “manage the treatment and isolation of all suspected or confirmed cases of all communicable diseases such as COVID-19”. In a second release, Chairperson of the SLMDC, Dr. Andre Mathew, went on to further re-emphasize the council’s position seemingly indicating that Dr. St. Rose’s actions were in contravention of the Health Practioners Act. His full statement is below.
The Role of the Medical Dental Council and Other Health Authorities
The MDC established by the Health Practioners Act to promote high standards in the practise of medicine and dentistry wishes to inform the public of the following:
- The research ethics committee established by the MDC has delegated authority to ensure ethical standards in the conduct of medical research. In the interest of public health and safety, the research ethics committee assesses research applications for approval and monitors the conduct of any research approved by the committee.
- The Chief Medical Officer (CMO), is the medical Practioner authorised by laws of St. Lucia to educate the public in the preservation of health, protect the public from fraud or deception in connection with food and medications, direct the public medical service and manage the treatment and isolation of all suspected or confirmed cases of all communicable diseases such as COVID-19.
- In accordance with laws of St. Lucia a medical practioner in private practise is required to notify the team of medical officers of health lead by the CMO if any person professionally attended by him or her is a suspected or confirmed case of a notifiable disease such as COVID-19. Laws of St. Lucia do not authorise, a medical practioner in private practise to keep under their care and manage any suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19.
- The International Health regulations is an instrument of international law which legally binds St. Lucia and other members of the WHO. The international health regulations aim to prevent, protect against, control and provide a public health response to the international spread of disease and requires that health measures to be implemented by member states are based on any specific guidance or advice from the WHO.
- The health practioners act requires that health practioners perform their duties competently, trustworthily, and with utmost regard for the welfare of their patients. The health practioners act also requires that professional misconduct in the practise of medicine and dentistry is investigated by the medical and dental council and that the MDC takes action if after investigation it is satisfied that a practisioner has a case to answer.
- Finally, the Health Practioners Act requires that in all matters that the MDC acts independently, impartially and in the interest of the public.
The only people breaking the laws is this SLMDA who have PROTECTED countless doctors on this island who have harmed so many of us.