Now, anyone who knows me well will tell you that among the few things I don’t do, birthdays top the list.Why? Not that it’s any of your damn business birthday lover, but the way I’ve always figured it, birthdays are for parents to celebrate—or to rue. Of course, I am referring to my own birthday. Nothing wrong in celebrating a cherished one’s coming into this world just to love you. After all, love is supposed to be associated with the happiness of others. As James Taylor so sweetly put it to music: “Shower the people you love with love, show them the way that you feel . . .”

colleagues look on expectantly.
Which is as close as I can get to explaining this little tribute in honor of two of my three favorite ladies, all STAR folk: Lera and Marcie. The third? Well, let’s keep the best for last, shall we? (Actually, the truth is I have not yet worked out why I’ve never thought to honor her birthday . . . but I’m sure it’ll come to me by the time I get to the end of this.)
Marcie’s birthday was first. She’s our company’s general manager, and ever determined to set high standards for all STAR personnel. Marcie wouldn’t dream of celebrating her birthday party during working hours.
Almost everyone had gone home the other Friday by the time the surprise was sprung. Don’t ask by whom. I really don’t know. Probably Mae, who would know better than to drag me away from my laptop on a Friday evening. By all accounts Marcie (still 24 after all these years), enjoyed her cake and whatever else was served (you may rest assured there were the usual groans about the VAT-associated killing economy in between the levity!).
Lera is something of a loner, quiet (save when she’s going crazy about someone who couldn’t help making her crazy—sounds a bit nutsy, true, but I know Lera knows exactly whence I come!) and full of love, if you rub her right. And I do.
But seriously, I knew something was on when I took one look via Skype at Lera’s hair and what she was wearing (Skype does not ordinarily allow full length!) below her chin. I asked about the occasion, which was how I learned Bradley, the other man in her life, had just turned 24 without ever having brought a tear of sorrow to his mother’s eyes. More than good enough reason for any mother to celebrate.
For me, the best part was the discovery that I am not alone with the notion that birthday celebrations are for satisfied and happy mommas.
Which finally takes us to Michelle, whose birthday I’ve never acknowledged although I love her to death and she knows it. Been with us for as long as the STAR has lived.
Michelle had a terrible shock this week when she discovered her recently dearly departed father’s tomb had been treated by government officials and one of their vandalous road-reconstruction crews as if it were just another seaside crab hole. Shame, shame, shame on all involved. And Michelle let them know it. I guess the best I can do now is promise her some special attention come her next birthday!
Cheers, STAR ladies!