Many have lived through unbelievable acts of sexual violence. This can be through force or lack of consent and what was done was wrong, but blame is too often placed not on the wrong-doer but on one-self. Many have been made to feel guilty, culpable, shamed for acts that were forced on you. I want you to know that none of this is your fault no matter what you were told. No one asks to be raped, molested, sexually assaulted or forced into sexual intercourse. I know how difficult it has been carrying this around with you wondering what you did to deserve this, wondering what you could have done differently; it is not your fault, there was nothing you did that caused this to happen to you. The abusers are the one at fault in all of this. While our culture isn’t one that understands what you
have been through I am
here to let you know
that it was not your fault
and you are not alone. There are many who have been through what you are going through.
Sexual Assault is a terrible thing to have to live through. But you are a survivor, and speaking out and letting it go is one step in the right direction, one step closer to taking charge of your life and moving from being a victim to a survivor. You are not alone on this journey, and remember this was never your fault.

To the Women of our Country
Sexual assault is a huge problem in St.Lucia and often it is downplayed as simply regrettable sex. We, Souyenne Dathorne & Velika Lawrence, find it necessary to encourage awareness in our community. We believe, that one of the factors affecting our society today is forced sexual intercourse. Over the past couple of years there has been quite a bit of media coverage around the issue and we would like to give you a chance to share your stories. There is strength in numbers, part of what we are hoping to accomplish is to show that you are not alone. We want to give you a chance to share your stories confidentially.
We have taken the responsibility of encouraging and demonstrating the benefits of actively fighting against sexual abuse. We understand that many people will find it impossible to speak up and speak out and protect themselves; by themselves. Our goal is to help survivors of forced sexual intercourse and to support them. We urge survivors to realize that the abuse endured, does not define you as a whole but is only part of who you are and the experiences you have lived through. We would
like to empower you to speak out actively. We understand the decision to speak out is not an easy one and it is YOUR choice only, but we hope that through research we will be able to offer better resources to all who are dealing with sexual assault. We ask that you to come speak with us in a confidential environment. Our aim is to raise awareness and provide support.

—Souyenne Dathorne & Velika Lawrence

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