The Agenda celebrates a milestone

Dave Samuels (right) host of The Agenda on the set this week that was spruced up for the anniversary celebration. (Photo by Bill Mortley)

RSL 97 is celebrating the third anniversary of its talk show The Agenda.  The show first aired on April 7, 2008 and has continued to air every weekday from 8:30am to 10am.  In commemoration of that first broadcast the show took Thursday and Friday to celebrate.  Prize giveaways, fan greetings and excerpts from past shows comprised a major part of the celebrations.
In the course of its existence, The Agenda has carved a name for itself in broadcast.  The host and ‘chairman’ Dave Samuels ensures he is well researched and versed in the topic at hand.  Likewise, the production value of the show is to be admired.  Interspersed in the chatter are clips and songs relevant to the topic at hand.
The Agenda has boasted guests such as Dame Pearlette Louisy, Prime Minister Stephenson King, past prime ministers, various members of Parliament, sports personalities, youth leaders, musicians, producers, religious leaders, historians, cultural activists and environmental activists among other resource persons.  The show is diverse and delves into the social conscious on St Lucian society.
The first show was entitled ‘Maginoir’ and gave an insight into St Lucia’s folklore.  Since then The Agenda has continued to explore issues in the country from a different perspective.  Many times ruling party representatives and opposition representatives sat in the same studio debating policy and initiatives over the airwaves.
Samuel noted it was a team effort that allowed the show to be consistent, innovative and persevere through these three years.  The chairman paid special tribute to the show’s major
sponsors this week: Bank of St Lucia, LIME, SLASPA, St Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority and the National Trust.

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