Optipharm Inc. joins the world in raising awareness of Glaucoma. It is observed globally from Sunday 6th March to Saturday 12th March 2022, under the theme ‘The World Is Bright, Save Your Sight’. The sight threatening eye disease, Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease which develops due to loss of the optic nerve fibers because of blockage to the drainage canal in the eyes. This results to progressive visual field loss when left untreated.

The best way to know your status of this disease is through a comprehensive eye examination. This exam will include diagnostic tests such as the eye pressure check, Pachymetry (Corneal Thickness measurement), optical coherence tomography, dilated exam, retina photography and a visual field examination. On Friday 11th March 2022 the Optipharm Clinic will be hosting a FREE glaucoma screening hour at our offices at 9am.
Do you experience eye pressure, intense eye pain, sudden vision loss, seeing halos around lights, headaches, nausea and vomiting or tenderness around the eyes, blurred vision, loss of peripheral or side vision and tunnel vision, or have pre-existing conditions such as short-sightedness and diabetes and trauma to the eye? If you are experiencing the above symptoms please CALL THE OPTIPHARM EYE CLINIC, to book an appointment.
Optipharm’s week of activities includes educational activities, free screenings to the public and social media awareness to share knowledge about the disease and encourage better eye care.
Dr. Benet Henry, Ophthalmologist at the Optipharm Eye Clinic, applauds persons who took the step in managing the disease and reiterates that anyone can be affected by this condition, and encourages individuals to make a brave step in knowing their status. He further explains that early treatment often allows patients to maintain visual field throughout their lifetime. Dr. Henry made emphasis on the impact the COVID – 19 pandemic had on the development of irreversible vision loss due to Glaucoma, and reveal that he was aware of the difficulties faced by many patients.
The Eye Surgeon continues by saying though the disease has no cure; treatment is available which can help lessen the deterioration of sight. Efforts can also be made in reducing one’s eye pressure. Glaucoma is made worse by high pressure in the eye or a reduced flow of blood to the optic nerve. Dr. Henry urges families to improve their diet and physical activity and sleeping position at night. He concludes by saying that the Optipharm team promotes eye health and welcomes ALL.
The Optipharm clinic promotes eye health through comprehensive eye examinations at your chosen Ophthalmologist clinic, proper and consistent use of treatment and referrals to family members of glaucoma patients, to fight against this disease. The clinic encourages you to put your eye care needs first, since your vision is their priority. In order to have an ease of access to the clinic, Telemedicine Services are also offered.