Unicomer (St. Lucia) Limited announced the launch of its “Together We Fight” campaign in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The objective of the campaign is to promote breast health education and provide support to organizations involved in the fight against the disease. The campaign will be launched during the month of October at all of the Courts brand stores to include: Courts, Courts RadioShack, Courts Ready Cash and Courts Optical, throughout the OECS.
The campaign will be a month long initiative aimed at educating customers and staff alike on the impact of Breast Cancer by collaborating with various cancer organizations in the OECS. Through the enlistment of the support of organizations like the St. Lucia Cancer Society, Essence of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation (St. Kitts), Dominica Cancer Society (Dominica) and, the Grenada Cancer Society (Grenada), both men and women will be informed of the varying methods known to allow for early detection, how and where to screen and, how cancer may a pose a threat to both men and women. The most impactful element of the campaign is the video series from survivors. Their stories will be published on the OECS Courts social media pages during the campaign.
For the month of October, the Unicomer OECS group will also donate a portion of its profits to designated cancer organizations in the OECS. To support the efforts, customers are invited to shop with its Courts brands, online and in-stores within the month.
“Breast Cancer is a disease that is no respecter of persons, it does not discriminate. Rich, poor, mother, father, aunt, grandmother; it can impact every one of us” expressed Eldri Ferguson-Mackey, OECS Head of Marketing. “The best defense is for every one of us to arm ourselves with Breast Health Education, so that we know the signs and can get early treatment. Unfortunately, many organizations tasked with this august responsibility, need help to effectuate their messages. As a good corporate citizen, we felt obligated to do our part. Every bit counts and we invite you to join in with us on the fight”.