[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Motorcycle Patrol within the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) Traffic Department will very shortly engage in the training of more than twenty police officers in order to beef up numbers to compliment the motorcycle fleet.
On July 30th, 2018 the Traffic Department was officially handed five spanking new XJ6Yamaha motorcycles shipped from Japan to augment the existing fleet.
Minister for Home Affairs and National Security Honourable Hermangild Francis has indicated that the Government is systematically addressing the many needs of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force.
Administrative Sergeant Miguel Lansiquot expressed how pleased the Traffic Department is with the injection of brand new motorcycles and thanked the Minister for Home Affairs and National Security Honourable Hermangild Francis and hierarchy of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force.
“We are aiming for a greater police presence on our roads and we are very grateful for the efforts of the hierarchy of the organization as well as Minister Francis who has been very instrumental to this recent procurement. It is clear that the daily patrol by the traffic police makes a marked difference on any given day. Police presence encourages compliance by the motoring public, minimizes accidents and excessive speeding. Overall it deters other unlawful acts; so we are always happy to receive the tools that will enhance our work.”
The training of more police motorcyclists will commence in September. Sergeant Lansiquot says that the female officers are welcomed to express their interest in being trained.
“We still have just one woman police officer as part of our motorcycle patrol fleet but we believe in having more” he noted expectantly. “It is also noteworthy that the entire training will be managed internally because we have within the RSLPF our very own certified instructors and examiner so we do not have to outsource in order for this training to take place.”
The Motorcycle Patrol Fleet has also been outfitted with new safety gear including helmets, gloves and boots.
— Source: Home Affairs Ministry