Virgin Richard Branson Climbs Piton


A satisfied Branson after his adventurous climb.
A satisfied Branson after his adventurous climb.
Icon entrepreneur and Virgin Atlantic boss Richard Branson recently climbed Saint Lucia’s Piton and has blogged about it. On the Discover Virgin webpage Branson wrote “I am a big believer in taking on an opportunity when it presents itself. If the opportunity happens to involve an adventure, then you can be sure I will say yes, yes, yes. So when we moored Necker Belle slap bang between the Pitons, you can guess what happened next…”

According to Branson they were playing an early morning game of tennis and stopped to look up at The Pitons. “There had been a quick shower just before we began our game and the mist was rising over Gros Piton. It looked absolutely magnificent. As I stared, I wondered: could we climb it?” he wrote.

Within a matter of hours, they were at the base of the mountain and began their ascent into the rainforest in high spirits; “having heard it was a simple enough hike and wouldn’t be too challenging”. “That wasn’t quite the case,” Branson pointed out.

“The rain had made the path slippery, and we were soon clinging to each volcanic rock, using them as stairs. By halfway, our water was beginning to run low and sweat was pouring off us,” he went on.

Richard Branson and crew make it to the top.
Richard Branson and crew make it to the top.

Their guide according to Branson, who has been climbing the mountain every day (sometimes twice a day!) for seven years, had raced ahead. “After just under two hours, we made it to the top. It was well worth it, with spectacular views in every direction and smiling faces from all of the team. We could see the gorgeous Caribbean Sea, St Lucia sprawled out beneath us and St Vincent in the distance. By the time we made it back down the sunset wasn’t far away. We made it back to Necker Belle just in time to soak it in. As Marvin Gaye sung, Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” Richard Branson ended.


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