Welcome Back Kayra!

Star Newspaper Editor Kayra Williams.

It is with much pleasure and a whole lot of pride that I announce the welcome return to the STAR of Ms Kayra Williams, as editor. Pleasure, yes, because it always makes me happy to observe young people confidently pursuing their goals. Quite obviously Kayra has learned a lot from her stint in Canada, mostly about life. And life, whether or not we realize it, is what writers write about; our own and the lives of those we daily encounter; who make up our society. What we write about others, living or inanimate, has always revealed more about us.

I am particularly proud that Kayra started her work life at this newspaper, soon after graduating from Castries Comprehensive Secondary School. I might add that a number of our more prominent journalists worked or interned at the STAR, among them the singular Nicole McDonald (now attached to the prime minister’s office) who joined our editorial department at age 18—her first job—as a junior reporter under the brilliant Molly McDaniel—then rose to the position of editor. I continue to be proud of Nicole, as I am of Eliza Francis-Victor, who began her writing life as a STAR reporter then worked her way to the editor’s chair (until a certain Mr. Victor interfered with her journalistic horoscope. Oh, but I jest. Eliza continues to write engagingly both for the STAR, occasionally, and for her website!)

But back to our new editor. She has come a long, long way, has Ms Williams, proof of which is evident in her own “Editor’s Letter” in this issue. There she offers a hint of her personal development and what returned her to the Rock of Sages. I can vouch for the fact that, like Donna Summer, this lady works hard for the money, often entering fearsome zones in pursuit of her stories. But primarily Kayra writes because she can’t help it. She was born to do what she does, even though she has at times questioned this truth (what writer hasn’t confronted the demon of self-doubt?). I need say no more, save that I believe it won’t be long before the lady makes her special indelible mark on the public psyche. Welcome back Ms Williams!