What Would Mia Mottley Do In Kenny’s Hand-Me-Downs?


Yes, Mr. Philip J. Pierre, Prime Minister of this land that grows day by day more unfortunate, your latest attempt at passing the buck was all well and good. No surprise there. But surely the grassroots man you claim to be must be aware the word on the street is that there are at least three members of your administration that represent major cause for pause.

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre. The author tackles what she considers an obsession of the self-declared “little black boy from Marchand.”
Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre. The author tackles what she considers an obsession of the self-declared “little black boy from Marchand.”

The first needs no introduction, save to say it was your party that first exposed him for what he was under his flimsy façade of respectability. I need say no more. He further exposes himself at every opportunity.

Then there’s the equally shameless fellow who, with more than a little help from learned friends, has managed to dodge the supposedly long arm of justice. Surely you know he has fallen far short of fooling all of the people. His constant barking at first sight or sound of Allen Chastanet is his signature way of shifting the red spotlight away from himself—a failed strategy that is as obvious as it is predictable.   

A free word of advice: Just lose him, Mr. Prime Minister. Try also to lose Allen Chastanet. It’s clear your preoccupation with the Leader of the Opposition is bad for your mental health. Already, many have concluded that your inability to speak sensibly, even with a script or a teleprompter, is directly related to your obsession with Chastanet past, present and future. How do you sleep, Mr. Prime Minister? Do you stay up nights dreaming up new ways to say the same silly things about your worst nightmare? May I suggest you think instead of improving the lives of “the poorest of the poor?”  

 You’ve really got to start focusing on your public image. Your story about the “little black boy from Marchand” who finally achieved his ambition to inherit Kenny Anthony’s worn-out shoes was never inspirational. And now it has become embarrassing and tiresome, even to those sworn to “protect the victory.”

You declared yourself Saint Lucia’s “most readied for the job of prime minister” but in less than two years you’ve proved yourself altogether unworthy. Do you ever listen to Mia Mottley? Have you noticed the special respect shown her by overseas dignitaries, while your presence is barely acknowledged? Do you know what makes Mia special, Mr. Pierre? Could it be because she never has a negative word to say about her colleagues on the opposition side of the Barbados parliament?

You were fortunate enough to inherit many projects, some well underway, others requiring only your John Hancock. What did you do? You chose to undo some, Mr. Pierre. Or you altogether abandoned them. Was all of that part of a plan to “bazooka” Allen Chastanet out of local politics, regardless of consequences?   

Such a shame that you do not possess one iota of humility, never mind your childish efforts at being seen as that “little black boy from Marchand,” also known as Moses. Speaking of which: Why did you not hold back the nasty flood waters that nearly drowned all of Corinth? Why didn’t you speak a Moses word to the Castries river, raging as it was from too many dumped washing machines and dead refrigerators in its belly?

Ever wonder why, with all your obvious shortcomings, most Saint Lucians feel little sympathy for you? Blame it on your small-mindedness, Mr. Pierre. Your arrogance. Your oozing insecurity. Your inability to make a point not at someone else’s expense. For goodness sake man, think Mia!  

But back to where we started. Have you ever stopped to consider what your deceased policeman-father would’ve thought about the political company you now keep? Even Kenny has kept his distance.

Focus on the job for which you sacrificed so much. As for your loyal MP friends who are always there to finish your sentences when you falter, don’t be fooled. It’s just their way of underscoring before the world how inept you really are; how ill-equipped to lead. Keep in mind that if they believe you cannot stand without them, maybe they also believe that without them you’d fall flat on your “little black boy from Marchand” face. They might even decide to take you down, Mr. Pierre—if the price is right. Remember Kenny’s words: “Never be surprised by what you see in politics!”

We end this commentary with a few words about yet another square peg in a round hole: Bazookaman! Does he, too, have his hooks into you?  Is it any wonder the country is totally disgusted by his faux pas?  At a time in our history when the citizenry is at a loss what to do about our multiple murders a week situation, you dare not say one peep about Bazookman’s threats delivered just hours before a meeting of parliament? Are we to conclude from your silence that you support his call to party brethren to follow his lead and fight fire with fire? To take their gloves off? To use against the other party every weapon at their disposal? To bazooka “dwarfs as well as giants?” The gentleman should by now have been cut loose. Does he even understand the meaning of “impartial?” By all accounts, he can barely follow what it says in the House Standing orders!  

You need to get your own act together, Sir. In the area of crime, the gap between Saint Lucia and the other islands of the Lesser Antilles grows wider and wider. With your continuing help in the wrong direction, it will continue to be so. As for that televised pathetic performance on Sunday that passed as your address to a nation under siege, I’ll leave that for other victims to comment on.   Finally: It is my understanding that Allen Chastanet enjoys commodious living quarters in Rodney Bay. He certainly does not need to reside inside the head of a self-declared “little black boy from Marchand!”