Where to now for Jeannine Compton?


It was only a matter of time—and time alone will tell whether or not Jeannine Compton’s abrupt resignation at the weekend will prove the disaster that for almost four years many suspected had been waiting to happen. Doubtless, there are those who took the lady at her word when she reaffirmed her loyalty to the party that her father created back in 1964, having broken away from the Labour Party then led by George Charles. However, not all of Jeannine’s colleagues were among the believers. Indeed, some had been openly expressing their suspicions that the lady represented an election risk not worth taking, that should the results turn out to be closer than they hoped chances are Ms Compton would follow the example of former Labour stalwart Neville Cenac who crossed the floor to give John Compton the majority denied him by the electorate in 1987.

Meanwhile, all eyes were on Jeannine, as were ears that heard in her House and private pronouncements warnings they dared not ignore. Rumor circulated in high places that she had decided not to entertain certain party colleagues on her platform come the next general elections—which is to say neither could they count on her to support their own campaigns, regardless of consequences to the party as a whole. Some among her political brethren considered her an ingrate who showed no appreciation for the support that had guaranteed her run-off victory over a far better qualified George Daniel, who, at the behest of their party—and in advance of any declared interest by Ms Compton in replacing her father as the MP for Micoud North—had interrupted his life overseas to prepare for the by-election brought about by Sir John’s demise . . . .


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