[dropcap]V[/dropcap]ieux Fort North Parliamentary Representative Hon Moses Jn. Baptiste, will once again, host the annual emancipation celebration in the Vieux Fort North constituency this evening 31st July from 7pm at the Grace Combined School. This year’s event will be in two parts, first Mr. Edward Bellas of Belle Vue, will lead a discussion on the contributions of some selected elderly residents and Vieux Fort North families, to Saint Lucia the wider Caribbean and further afield. Mr. Bellas is a local cultural activist who has done research on the people of Vieux Fort North and their rich traditions of creative talents. The second part of this year’s celebrations will be a session of traditional games called Swawi Jwe’ and will be led by drumming and popular theatre group Tanbou Me’le’ . Tanbou Mele is from Vieux Fort and has been performing and creating cultural and general awareness events for over 30 years. Both sessions will encourage constituents and visitors to join the games, share their own stories and relate their experiences.
According to Hon. Jn. Baptiste, the observance of Emancipation through participatory cultural heritage events, allows his constituents and visitors alike to experience and learn from some of Saint Lucia’s traditional practices. He hopes that the opportunity will continue to keep the community together, while creating further opportunities for teaching and learning. Other similar initiatives in the constituency include the Vieux Fort North Drumming Festival and creole month cultural awareness in schools.
— Source: Office of the Leader of the Opposition