Agriculture Minister Ezechiel Joseph has assured livestock farmers that they will be allowed to operate during the 7-day shutdown. Speaking at a press conference earlier today, Joseph said that farmers who have pens located away from their homes can go attend to their animals today, April 1st, 2020. However, in order to visit their pens from tomorrow, farmers must have written approval from the ministry. He encouraged all interested persons to contact their Extension Officer. The same applies to crop farmers.

“As of today, they can operate without the legal instrument.. because of the suddenness in the decision. But by tomorrow afternoon, and for the remainder of the period of the complete shutdown, we’re expecting all farmers who are interested in getting that written document, to make themselves available to contact the Extension Officer. The onus is on them to capitalize on the opportunity,” said Joseph.
The minister indicated that farmers who harvested produce yesterday can go to the Marketing Board’s Cul De Sac facility from 1-4 pm today, to sell goods to the organisation. Regarding fish, Joseph stated that fishermen are not allowed to go out to sea until April 7th — the day that the shutdown is scheduled to end. “All of our major supermarkets and Lucian Blue Ocean Seafoods Inc is closed, which means the respective outlets for fishermen is not readily available. It doesn’t make any sense to go out because you risk being arrested by the Marine Police. So I’m hoping that the fishermen can understand that.”