Hon. Sarah Flood-Beaubrun, Minister for External Affairs and Member of Parliament for Castries Central, together with the staff of the Synergy Project, visited Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) Headquarters on 19 March 2020 to deliberate on how TTM can help bolster food security in central Castries to mitigate the potential impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus to food supply.
Minister Beaubrun and her team conducted an in-depth discussion with TTM Head Mario Cheng, Counsellor Bill Huang and Second Secretary Jonathan Yang of the Embassy of the R.O.C. (Taiwan). They agreed that expedient measures should be taken to boost production of fruit and vegetables via the Urban Grow Project to substitute imported food, generate incomes for small farmers and orient youngsters to agriculture in urban Castries.

Citing the Synergy Project and the Urban Grow Project as examples, Minister Beaubrun thanked Taiwan for its dedicated and continual assistance to Saint Lucian farmers and communities. Mr Cheng briefed about the efforts by TTM to boost the production and supply chain of the banana as well as fruit and vegetable industries. He also introduced the ICT, health and community-outreach projects sponsored by Taiwan. Counsellor Huang said that Taiwan will continue to work with Saint Lucia to consolidate mutual partnership not only in technical cooperation but also in business relations and community development.
Subsequently, a site visit to TTM’s demonstration farm was conducted during which Minister Beaubrun and TTM staff exchanged views on the best practice of fruit and vegetable production in line with the soil and weather conditions of Saint Lucia. TTM will also arrange a series of field visits and technical workshops for participants of the Urban Grow Project.