Speaking at a press conference earlier today, Agriculture Minister Ezechiel Joseph announced that there is the possibility of government declaring a water emergency, due to the ongoing dry conditions. In a press statement yesterday, the Water and Sewerage Company (WASCO) —pointing to a drought warning issued by the Meteorological Services Department — urged conservative water use. WASCO indicated that dry conditions have depleted their raw water supply from abstraction points within the river system and the John Compton Dam reservoir.

WASCO urged customers to immediately implement water-saving measures, including:
• Repair all noticeable water leaks within the home and or premises
• Install or replace defective ball valves in your toilet tanks
• To conserve water, it is advisable to stop using a hose for the washing of vehicles
and bicycles
• Stop watering lawns
• Shut taps while using soap on your body or shaving or brushing teeth
Said Minister Joseph: “Just this morning, we were discussing in cabinet the possibility of a water emergency. With a water emergency there would a number of practices that people would have to be engaged in. But for now, what we are advising is for persons to be able to take on board the necessary recommendations that have been made by WASCO, and let’s see how things pan out in the next week or so..”
Water, Joseph said, is a major component in controlling the spread of COVID-19, and it was unfortunate that a drought was being experienced at this point in time. He added: “I want to echo the sentiments expressed by WASCO. Let’s be discreet in the way we manage and use water, and let’s hope that we’ll not be forced to declare a water-related emergency policy.”