[dropcap]E[/dropcap]very November 6th, Moroccans celebrate the Anniversary of the Green March, the largest, longest, and most peaceful march in the world, that enabled Morocco to recover the Southern part of territory integrity. The day is a National Holiday in Morocco, during which Moroccans recall the extraordinary events of the Green March.
In mid-October 1975, the International Court of Justice at The Hague declared that there are legal ties of allegiance between Moroccan Throne and Sahrawi population established in the south of the country. “The materials and information presented to the Court show the existence, at the time of Spanish colonization, of legal ties of allegiance between the Sultan (King) of Morocco and some of the tribes living in the territory of Sahara.” Accordingly, the late Hassan II announced the organization of the Green March, on October 16th 1975, to retrieve the Moroccan southern provinces from Spanish colonialism. Afterward, about 350,000 Moroccans, women and men, headed towards the Sahara and met in Tarfaia. All the participants went in an atmosphere of celebration, belief in God and patriotic values. Along the way, People sang joyfully as they made a pilgrimage to a part of their country to show the world that all Moroccans are one when it comes to their country. On November 14th 1975, just a few days after the launch of the Green March, Morocco, Spain and Mauritania signed an agreement in Madrid, whereby Morocco regained its southern provinces. The agreement was approved by -al jamaah- the only authentic representative of the Sahrawi people. Al jamaah confirmed in a meeting on February 26th 1976, in Laayoune, that the Sahara is Moroccan. Therefore, the agreement put an end to the Spanish presence in the Moroccan territories.
After this historical event, the Green March remains the pride of all Moroccans and a lesson to the world in promoting peace. It remains a symbol of determination, courage and sacrifice for the sake of the nation, Morocco from Tangier (extreme north) to Elgouira (extreme south).